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Homemade Chocolate Baked Donuts



I preheat the oven to 325 F.
I grease a donut pan and set it aside.
In a large bowl, I whisk together flour, baking soda, salt, unsweetened cocoa powder, and brown sugar. I set this mixture aside.
In a separate bowl, I whisk together buttermilk, coffee, egg, and vanilla extract.
I pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients.
I stir gently JUST until the dry ingredients are combined SEE NOTE.
I stir in the melted butter, making sure it’s just combined.
I spoon the batter into the prepared doughnut pan, filling it 3/4 full.
I bake for 6-7 minutes.
I allow the donuts to sit in the pan until they cool down enough to be removed.


I take the donuts from the pan and place them on a cooling rack to finish cooling.
While the donuts are cooling, I prepare the vanilla drizzle by stirring together powdered sugar, vanilla, and enough milk to create an Elmer’s glue-like consistency. I set it aside.
To make the chocolate ganache, I heat heavy whipping cream in a small saucepan until it begins to simmer lightly.
I remove it from heat and stir in chocolate chips. (I prefer to use mini chocolate chips because they melt faster.)
I let the ganache cool.
I spread chocolate ganache in a thin layer over the donuts and let it set.


Once set, I drizzle on the vanilla glaze.
I add toppings and allow the glaze to harden.

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