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19+ Diabetic Food Swaps to Lower Blood Sugar

Mixed Nuts

You’re right that mixed nuts can be high in fats and salt, which may have negative effects on blood pressure and diabetes symptoms. While it may be challenging to completely give up mixed nuts, there are ways to make this snack healthier and more diabetes-friendly.


One key tip is to choose unsalted varieties of mixed nuts whenever possible. This helps reduce the sodium intake and minimize the impact on blood pressure. Additionally, it’s crucial to be mindful of portion sizes and practice portion control. Nuts are nutrient-dense and high in calories, so measuring your servings can prevent overeating and excessive calorie intake.

While nuts do contain healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals, moderation is key, especially for individuals with diabetes. It’s important to incorporate a variety of foods in your diet to ensure a balanced intake of nutrients. Pairing nuts with other diabetes-friendly options such as fresh fruits or vegetables can create a more balanced and satisfying snack.

By opting for unsalted mixed nuts and practicing portion control, you can still enjoy the flavors and nutritional benefits of nuts while making a healthier choice for your overall well-being.

Instead, Eat: Walnuts

Absolutely! Unsalted or lightly salted walnuts are an excellent choice for a quick and healthy snack. These nuts offer a range of health benefits that make them a great alternative to other snack options.

Walnuts are rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fatty acids, which support cardiovascular health and have anti-inflammatory properties. They also contain melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep cycles, promoting better sleep quality. The presence of vitamin E in walnuts serves as an antioxidant, protecting against nerve damage, and folate supports tissue growth and DNA repair.


In addition to these benefits, walnuts are a good source of dietary fiber. A high-fiber diet can help regulate blood sugar levels, improve digestion, and contribute to heart and artery health. By incorporating walnuts into your snacking routine, you’re adding nutritious food that provides a satisfying crunch and promotes overall well-being.

Swapping out other nuts for walnuts can be a simple way to increase your intake of beneficial nutrients and diversify your snacking choices. Remember to enjoy walnuts in moderation, as they are calorie-dense. Incorporating them as part of a well-balanced diet can contribute to a healthy lifestyle.


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